The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103818   Message #2119396
Posted By: RTim
04-Aug-07 - 10:54 PM
Thread Name: Review: Marrowbones (EFDSS Songbook reissue)
Subject: RE: Review: Marrowbones (EFDSS Songbook reissue)
The book size is bigger and the music clearer, although there are no guitar chords. Also the notes are as they should have been, ie. more information as Frank had intended.
Overall it is a more complete book.
There is the intention of adding more singer bios in future re-issues, ie. of Wanton Seed etc. - but these do not exist in the new Marrowbones, but because many of the singers are represented also in Wanton Seed, etc. they will be covered there.
It is late at night, I hope I am still coherent?
Tim Radford