The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46334   Message #2119580
Posted By: John Hardly
05-Aug-07 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: Worst accent or what?
Subject: RE: Worst accent or what?
And then there's the humor in the twice-removed logic that has anything of a Biblical theme -- Ben Hur, The Robe, etc -- done, not in an accent meant to imply Palestine in 1 A.D., but rather, British colonial.

That is, of course, because Jesus spoke like King James, don'cha know?

Most Americans who cannot affect even a reasonable British accent merely don't pronounce "R" at the end of words. Thus, the typical American British accent usually, within a few words, deteriorates into an American southern accent.

T'be er not t'bee. That there's th'damn question.