The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103871   Message #2120732
Posted By: GUEST,Bruce Michael Baillie
07-Aug-07 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
Subject: Tech: Myspace vs Youtube
Thought I'd have a whinge and get other peoples opinions.
This morning I had a look at my MYSPACE profile, haven't been on it for a while cos I use YOUTUBE, which I find a lot better. I've got about 15 movies of me singing and playing on Youtube now.
I put in my email address, put in my password and gets the 'Your password is incorrect' message, tries again, same, tried all the various password combinations I can think of (despite the fact I knew it was right) caps, lower case, cap first & lower etc, looked up my password to make absolutely sure it was right, it was, typed it in slowly to make sure I didn't hit any other keys, still no luck, so cursing I typed into the 'forgotten your password you fucking drooling halfwit?' bit and awaited the email reply with the password, of course it didn't arrive until I checked at work and guess what? I'd been typing it right all the time! ...a right fucking 'waste of space' they ought to call it! I've also found that when loading up movies onto myspace they don't always load correctly, whereas I've never had any problems with Youtube.
Anyone else had any problems with either?