The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103787   Message #2120748
Posted By: Dave'sWife
07-Aug-07 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where can I get tarantula venom?
Subject: RE: BS: Where can I get tarantula venom?
Somewhat related to this thread I suppose - My husband works in the film industry as many of you know. His Boss is also married to an actress who works frequently in Television. They have two very normal and adorable little boys who have quite normal and horrid little boy interests such as a series of creepy pets. My husband is often asked to drive the boss's car to some location where he or his wife will be working or, fly there and drive the car back to Los Angeles. A recent trip brought him eyeball to ebeyballs times 8 with a tarantula.

On the last trip, he flew to a city in Canada to drive the car back home and didn't work things out so he could meet his boss's wife and kids before they left. They left him with a signed statment to show the border guards assuring them that he had their permission to drive the car home. For some odd reason, the actress included in her note that he also had her permission to transport her son's live tarantula across the border as well! That was his first notice that there was a tarantula in the vehicle with him!

He called me a few times from the drive and I called him and each time I asked "What is the spider doing now?" My husband said he mostly seemed to sleep on the trip but that he got agitated a few times. I breathed a sigh of relief when he made it past the Border Ok because I don't think it's actually legal to do that - transport venomous animals across broders without permits.

I don't think that ever ocurred to the busy family when they packed the boys up for the trip and since the spider normally accompanies them - they must have just boxed him up for the ride! I however, was terrified my husband would be detained at the border as the "Tarantula Terrorist"! You'd have to see my husband to understand my fear. I think he's handsome but he is often cast in roles in his friends films as a bank robber, biker gang member, satanic high priest and such. He knows how to look evil on film.

Long story short - both he and the hairy spider made it home safe and sound and he has learned to ask more questions about what is in the car next time!