The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92525   Message #2120881
07-Aug-07 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Subject: RE: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer    (Click on "Browse Messages)

The site I mentioned above will give you a wealth of information. Some of the emails from those seeking answers are filled with tales of suffering because so many were delayed or denied treatment by doctors who do not know about the problem of IBC.   Susan Love - a so called expert is quoted from her book:

The Myth of Urgency
Dr. Susan Love: Breast cancer is not a fast-growing disease most of the time. It's [probably] been there eight to ten years when you find it. You've either spread or have not spread. There's no emergency.
I'm not saying you should wait six months or a year. But if you can't get in for a mammogram right away, it's not spreading during that time. It's a slower process than that. If you're newly diagnosed, you
can take time to get a second opinion, to read and figure out your options. You don't have to rush things.
The Truth About Inflammatory Breast Cancer Must Get Out. We are on a mission to tell the ignorant in the medical field that this disease is out there. Speed in diagnosis is imperative. Just read some of the emails of women who are suffering & may very well be dying because of medical malpractice.
