The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103766   Message #2121214
Posted By: Betsy
07-Aug-07 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: the wilsons down south
Subject: RE: the wilsons down south
I read it it as Capt.Birdseye wrote .I reckon they'll do their bit and loosen up at their concert spot (Marine hotel) and them go and relax at the Cons club with the sing around .Big deal - so they will be 15 mins late for they start for the singaround - not their fault.we know all folk clubs start exactly on time !!! They know everyone and will make sure every one gets a sing. Don't forget it's only HOSTED by them ,they don't have to flog themselves silly at a sing around - besides I know for certain one or two them are fond of the special ale in there, so they would be going there anyway. Also, in that place on the first night it's great to have the patter in the bar (a separate room) with people you haven't seen for a while, which ,I know they all love doing,you do, and so do I. So 15 mins late is neither here nor there
It'll all work out , besides if a couple of them went missing from a sing around - there'd still be enough of them left to more than adequately keep us going. Calm down - it's a friendly folk festival not a German Railway timetable.
I'm Looking forward to it and I know I'll be aiming for the Cons Club where I am 101% certain the slight gloom / uncertainty of the couple of previous posts will have completely disappeared.
Now, whether the Wilsons bring any C.D.'s to sell (as earlier posts)- is completely another matter.
