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Thread #103415   Message #2121379
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Aug-07 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: And the next US President will be
Subject: RE: BS: And the next US President will be
By the way, my impression is that the big machine that runs both parties and is behind the whole election thing in the USA wants Hillary Clinton to be the next Democratic candidate for president, and wants her to win the next election. If I am right, then it's almost certain she will be, and she'll win. I'm not at all sure who they will groom as the Republican candidate (or as Hillary's VP), but if they have decided that they want Hillary to win, it hardly matters...they'll pick some schmoe who will go down to defeat just like he's supposed to. Time to change the curtains on the White House again...the plebes are getting restless.

It would be surprising to me that they would even consider electing a woman to the presidency, given the huge weight of past American tradition against it, but maybe they think it's time now.

We've had one female prime minister in Canada...briefly. She started out looking VERY strong, and then politically self-destructed so rapidly and completely that I don't expect to see the parties here risk another try at that for a long, long time. They'll go the safe route, and pick male party leaders.

The above was not her fault, by the way, it was just a set of larger political circumstances around her, that's all. She really had no chance, in my opinion.

As far as Hillary goes, I have a rather high opinion of her on a personal level. I think she's a very smart and capable person, maybe even a brilliant person. I do not have a good opinion of the massive forces that stand behind her and use her as their face to put in front of the public. From them...I expect nothing but more of the same corruption and imperial ambitions...regardless of whom they advance to the next coronation ceremony in Washington after the votes are "counted".

Just my best guess. We'll have to wait and see if I hit the bullseye or missed the whole danged target... ;-)