The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103787   Message #2121694
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Aug-07 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where can I get tarantula venom?
Subject: RE: BS: Where can I get tarantula venom?
I don't know if tarantulas would take food from me, but we've had great sport all summer feeding some of the other large spiders with webs. (Tarantulas keep their web material underground, you won't see a web in the grass, but you'll see the sides of the spider hole lined with web material). Catch a June bug--don't kill it or it won't work nearly as well--and toss it with it's wiggling feet into the web. The spider lunges across the space immediately and does a quick tie-up with a chunk of web and spinneret action that is pretty interesting to watch. Fewer June bugs right now mean we have to choose which spider (we have three we've fed this way) or the toads will get them. They all do okay on their own, but it is interesting to intervene in this small way. The toads haven't been around much all summer because it was so wet that they didn't need to seek out a porch light to find more bugs, there were bugs everywhere. Now as the summer progresses they're headed to the easier pickings here in the yard.