The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92525   Message #2121705
Posted By: Jeri
08-Aug-07 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Subject: RE: BS: Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Dr. Susan Love seems dangerously wrong. While there's no reason for panic, it sounds as though a sense of urgency IS appropriate.

From the Mayo Clinic's page on Inflammatory Breast Cancer (sections not quoted in their entirety):


Typically women with inflammatory breast cancer are diagnosed at a younger age than those diagnosed with other forms of breast cancer. They're more likely to experience cancer spread (metastasis), and they have a greater chance of succumbing to the disease than women with noninflammatory breast cancer. In very rare circumstances, inflammatory breast cancer is diagnosed in men.

When to seek medical advice

Because inflammatory breast cancer progresses rapidly, by the time most women seek medical advice, the cancer is already quite advanced. If you notice any of the signs and symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer, see your doctor right away.

If you're being treated for a breast infection (mastitis), but your signs and symptoms last longer than a week after starting antibiotics, ask your doctor to do some imaging studies of the breast or to perform a breast biopsy. If these test results show no signs of cancer, but your signs and symptoms appear to be getting worse, talk with your doctor about performing another biopsy or ask for a referral to a breast specialist.