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Thread #103514   Message #2122259
Posted By: Teribus
09-Aug-07 - 01:17 AM
Thread Name: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Subject: RE: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Well Akenaton for starters one of the realities of this world is that no-one is invincible.

Your reluctance to base any discussion on "facts", unverified or otherwise, is understandable, because should you engage in such a debate the highly biased, and ill informed, basis for your arguement would be exposed for what it is, nothing but a pack of lies, gross misrepresentations, half-truths and myths.

In Iraq and in Afghanistan, the Government troops along with the aid of the MNF/NATO/US forces are getting stronger every day. Militarily they are actually winning, only politically can the fledgeling governments of both countries fail. We must give them the time to ensure that they do not. You and your fellow travellers do not want to see that, you seem to rejoice in chaos, you in particular long to see the day the "West" fails because it is something that was promised you by your former political masters decades ago. They couldn't deliver because their own corrupt and evil regimes crumbled, you now hope that their end can be accomplished in proxy by others - again you will have to learn to live with disappointment.

I rather liked - "but never the less they have been defeated again and this time as they scramble to their escape helicopters they leave behind an enemy a hundred times more dangerous than the peasants of the Viet Cong."

Another reality of the situation Akenaton, even going back to before September 11th, 2001, the "enemy" was, and was recognised as being, "a hundred times more dangerous than the peasants of the Viet Cong".