The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103514   Message #2123023
Posted By: akenaton
10-Aug-07 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Subject: RE: Did George Galloway Get A Fair Hearing
Yes George, and I would also like to thank Teribus for showing what he is.
His "facts" are no more verifiable than our opinions, set as they are by some of the most untrustworthy people on the planet.
Teribus contends that I am a hypocrit, knowing absolutely nothing about me personally....a strange course of action for one who deals only in "facts".

"And yes, you, and those think as you do are a gutless generation, thankfully our elected leaders when faced with a clearly declared threat were fully prepared to act, and history will prove them to have been right to have done so."

So we were faced with a clearly declared threat by pre-war that a fact?   If so it is one of his false facts made up on the hoof, as all the strategy for this war seems to have been.

Our leaders were fully prepared to act, and history will prove them right.........What a strange opinion, considering that our leaders are making every effort to extricate themselves from any culpability in this bloodbath.
By your writing Teribus it would seem that it is you who is the hypocrit, you pretend to be someone who deals only in facts, but at the end of the day your arguments are based on good old fashioned opinion just like the rest of us.
The only pity is that your opinions are so lacking in pity for mutilated children of Iraq, or the children who fight the wars for you and your kind