The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2123420
Posted By: Janie
10-Aug-07 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
I know it is grim short term, Ebbie. And I am also 55, not 65 or 75 or 85, so my retirement funds still have time to recover without me being actually effected short-term since I do not depend on them for current income.

But panic, at best, has a neutral effect, and at worst can cause a disaster that might not otherwise occur. I also have sufficient family to band together so that I am sure, one way or another, we can meet our collective basic needs, even if this financial
'catastrophe' strikes and stays for years. I am also willing to redifne family to include friends, neighbors, or the stranger 3 blocks overAnd if the end result is to reign in our society and/or our world to a sustainable level of existence, then I don't fear it to the point of panic.    My parents may suffer. I may suffer. But my son and grandchildren may ultimately benefit. In terms of survival of myself, my progeny, and the human race, I am much more concerned about the impending depletion of natural resources, especialy water, than I am about the financial economy. And even that, I try not to worry about.

The only function of worry is to make you feel bad.
