The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103956   Message #2123477
Posted By: katlaughing
10-Aug-07 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: Traditional Influence In Songwriting
Subject: RE: Traditional Influence In Songwriting
Though I've only written a song or two, I improvise songs everyday with my grandson and he loves it. I just use folk/trad tunes and make up the words to fit what we are doing or make them about him. I know that's not what you are talking about, Jerry, but I can easily see how some of those I do make up could become family standards and be passed on. In fact, one of the very first which I sang to him to sleep with is still his favourite even though he's a "big boy" of 3.5 now.

Great thread, btw. I look forward to reading the responses!
