The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20419   Message #212353
Posted By: Bill D
15-Apr-00 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: What Stash Is Kept In Your Guitar Case?
Subject: RE: BS: What Stash Is Kept In Your Guitar Case?
ok, you asked for it..*BG* on this page is my old 'harp case,(need to repair handle, so am using 'shaped' case with less room for now) and my ditty bag, ($3 at a yard sale) which will take all the stuff that used to live in the case, plus all those recorders, whistles, along with notebooks, AC adaptor for Korg, and lunch. Yes, I DO sometimes use a cart to carry it all...and yes, I DO have a big van to carry the cart. Those who saw me packing after the Getaway understand.

(Pics in Photoloft should both be in same album, but had a server error halfway thru uploading, and couldn't figure out how to re-edit, so they are in reverse order...*sigh*)