The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103956   Message #2123724
Posted By: Georgiansilver
11-Aug-07 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: Traditional Influence In Songwriting
Subject: RE: Traditional Influence In Songwriting
Most of the songs I write seem to be in (UK)'traditional style' and are often about historical happenings. Not sure why I have written them that way, it just seems to have happened.....perhaps as you say Jerry it has been intitiated by the songs I have heard and loved.... along with a reasonable knowledge of history and other Folk songs. Latest rendition:- Called "Bringing the Harvest Home" witten as a memory of harvest time and Harvest Festival when I was but a mere child.

The Summertime is coming fast and the days they do grow long,
I cannot wait to hear the birds, as they sing their morning song.
The grain will ripen in the fields and the fruits begin to grow,
The flowers will bloom with colours bright, where quiet rivers flow.

And the sun will shine and the birds shall sing, as we bring the harvest home.

The workers all will bare their chests, as the sun performs its tasks,
We will take the apples to the barns, to fill the cider casks.
We will take the hops to the barleycorn, to ferment they will not fail,
We will drain it from the coopered vats, into the supping pail.

And the sun will shine and the birds shall sing, as we bring the harvest home.

We will feast ourselves on Summer fruits and other great delights,
We will drink the cider and the ale, through the warmth of Summer nights.
For the harvest in its abundance, we will all with one accord,
Remove our tithes into the Church and give thanks unto the Lord.

And the sun will shine and the birds shall sing, as we bring the harvest home.

(Add)    Come ye thankful people come, raise the song of Harvest Home.

Mike Hill. (July 2007)
Best wishes, Mike.