The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103956   Message #2123732
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
11-Aug-07 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Traditional Influence In Songwriting
Subject: RE: Traditional Influence In Songwriting
Hey, Jim Lad:

I have a few extra lines kicking around myself, although I don't write them down. My philosophy is that if I can't remember them, they are by definition not memorable. And who wants to write songs with not memorable lines in them?

More to the point, I have verses and choruses from songs I've written and been dissatisfied with that may well work in another song down the line. Those, I may keep on paper. An example:

"And what can you do when the last song is played
And the band is all packed up and ready to leave?
Just bid them goodnight, and when you turn off the lights
Say a prayer for the sailors at sea"

I can't even remember the verses to the song, but that chorus lingers with me.