The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20419   Message #212379
Posted By: Mark Clark
15-Apr-00 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: What Stash Is Kept In Your Guitar Case?
Subject: RE: BS: What Stash Is Kept In Your Guitar Case?
In addition to a guitar, an A440 tuning fork, two sets SIT Royal Bronze medium strings, rag, Shubb capo, Hamilton capo, cut off neck of wine bottle (Cabernet), old Sucretts box containing picks, Side Winder, wire cutters, small screwdriver, small notebook, ball point pen, guitar strap, jam session poloroid snapshot taken by friend 15 years ago, and a combination bottle opener and church key. Oddly, there is presently no corkscrew.

It once contained a carefully chosen collection of genuine tortise shell picks back when you could still buy those. One time while playing a big country show at Chicago's Aragon Ballroom, I went backstage after our set to discover they had been purloined. They were expensive for guitar picks but the real loss was the time it took searching music stores for even one that had the charistics I liked. That was over twenty-five years ago, I'm almost used to the plastic Fender picks now.

- Mark