The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4387   Message #2124667
Posted By: greg stephens
13-Aug-07 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Down to Pomona/Lamorna Song
Subject: Pomona/Lamorna Song
I have looked in some other threads on this and related topics, and googled a bit, but haven't found exactly what I am looking for. The song "Away down to Lamorna" is generally reckoned to be a Cornish remake of a Manchester song about the pleasure gardens at Pomona(pre-Ship Canal Pomona Dock days). What I haven't found is a reference to the lyrics and/or tune of the original Manc version, can anybody help? I have seen it somewhere on the internet, and possibly in a Mudcat thread, but so far I haven't tracked it down again.