The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103975   Message #2124680
Posted By: Grab
13-Aug-07 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: Arabic & African names in English songs & stories
Subject: RE: Arabic & African names in English songs & stories
Re the Moors, Shakespeare and co would *have* to have distinguished between Moors and other Muslims - for the simple fact that the Moors would have been a major element of European politics in recent English history. Until they got pushed out, the Moors owned Spain and Portugal, which puts them at the southern boundary of France. England owned northern and some western France, and there was plenty of fighting between the French and English. I wouldn't doubt that the Moors, holding the southern border with France, would have had extensive links with both sides to see what they could get out of it.

For the name Othello, I remembered hearing of the name "Otho". Looking it up, turns out there was a Roman emperor called "Otho".

Re Gunga Din, I don't know Indian names, but it's not for definite that "Din" here is from Arabic - India is also Sikh and Hindu.

I think we've been here before - there's a danger in assuming that similarity between words (or even the exact same word) means that they mean the same thing. There's only so many syllables to go round, after all. :-)
