The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103946   Message #2124682
Posted By: Donuel
13-Aug-07 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: What to do in a great depression?
Subject: RE: BS: What to do in a great depression?
True the cause makes little difference, but this is where we find ourselves in a volitile market in which the federal reserve bank and many other banks around the world have INJECTED close to $500 Billion dollars to keep banks trading which each other even though the banks do not fully know how much other banks have lost due to recent lending practices.

Pumping in liquidity (cash in the form of the federal reserve buying sub prime bonds) is a short term fix and something the federal reserve has no precedent in meddling in Wall Street woes -
Unless you consider Greenspan's bail out of hedge funds or the other Bush savings and loan scandel of the 80's when the Fed paid for the mistakes/theft of large investors.

Sub Prime, below par, previously owned, all have a slightly positive tone for something that should have been called risky junk loans.
I guess that new laws maing declaring bankruptcy and letting people keep their homes would offset loans designed to fail. Only about 7 million home loans will in fact forclose in the very near future.

Ironic that the money pumped into the system is equal to the official cost of the Iraq war but the bottom line is that there is no great depression or likely to be. Our old friend stagflation and inflation will most likely be the result of today's market mistakes.

I am not an economist although I am married to one. She says the media simply sells the scare for ratings and no dire consequences are likely. It is said that Economy is the dismal science.

good night John boy, good night grandpa, good night nurse...