The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103975   Message #2125346
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
14-Aug-07 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: Arabic & African names in English songs & stories
Subject: RE: Arabic & African names in English songs & stories
Azizi, you will have trouble relating African-American 'Muslim' usage, especially the Black Muslim, to Middle Eastern-Asian Islam. There seems to have been selection from more than one source and then remelding into the so-called Black Muslims.
I cannot speak on the differences, since I know nothing of the African-American variety. We have many Muslims here and there is a large masjid (mosque) not far from me; but I don't know of Black members there.

The relatively small percentage of Blacks here call themselves Canadian, British, Trinidadian, Kenyan or etc.; descendants of former U. S. slaves or freed men call themselves Canadian, no hyphens. When I first came here, there was a small Black Baptist? church here, but I haven't heard of it lately.
The small Ethiopian group here seems to be mostly Coptic Christian and evangelicals.

Captain Ahab had another name?? There was his Parsi servant who had an 'Arabic' name, but I can't remember it.