The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98749   Message #2126231
Posted By: GUEST,Local Yokel
15-Aug-07 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
Subject: RE: BS: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
That's gibberish. Too many qualifiers and opt-outs. Might be a color of law violation in itself.

You are the child's guardian, not the state. You have say over whether a needle is inserted into your child's body. Schools act in loco the parents' place during school hours. If you have not specifically STATED you don't want your kid immunized, the school will interpret that as tacit approval to immunize and administer the shots.

You have to be active in the matter, not passive. You have to go in to the school and inform them that you don't want your kid injected. They may ask you to sign a waiver, but even that is illegal, because you can't be made to sign anything against your will. Your verbal request should be enough.

Mainly, the kids need to be educated on the dangers of letting strangers stick needles into them.