The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104036   Message #2126539
Posted By: Bobert
15-Aug-07 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: Wasps or Hornets ?
Subject: RE: Wasps or Hornets ?
Well, these two critters are as different as day and night in appearance... The hornet is like a jumbo jet with a large diameter body compared to it's length... The wasp is more segmented and sleek...

But no matter... They both carry a powerfaull sting...

The Japanese hornet will sting you so hard that it will sometime bleed...

Neither are terribly agressive... Okay the "ground hornet" which is a smuch smaller version of the Japanesse hornet is somewhat agressive, especially if you go disturbing it's underground nest...

The stings from either will blow up like a blow-fish but with either sting time is of the essence.... Tobacco draws out some of the stingy stuff so it's not bad to keep a little tobacco around in case of a sting... Just wet it, press it against the sting and keep in place with a bandaid...

No tobacco... Baking soda is next best...

Nwither, however, is gonna make it go a way... These sting are purdy painfull... Benedryl is fine, also, but better for Day 2 when the sting turns to itch...

We have thousands of these critters here on our farm but I've been lucky in not being stung for, hmmmmm. many years now... I just try to live with these critters, respect them and not let 'um think they have anything on me...
