The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103946   Message #2126959
Posted By: Donuel
16-Aug-07 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: What to do in a great depression?
Subject: RE: BS: What to do in a great depression?
one model for success is "What would billionaire Warren Buffet do."
He invested in the Bank of America.
go figure.

IS IT MY IMAGINATION or was the saving and loan scandal/bailout, the BC&C (the cia bank of crooks and criminals), the crash of March 06 and August 07 sub prime crash and Hedge Fund Bust ALL OCCUR while a Bush was in charge?

This family and good ol oily Wall Street boys go hand in hand in robbing the treasury of the US time and again. When they can't steal a surplus they steal borrowed (deficit spending) money and start a war with great military industry profits and other unbid contracts.
During this war they fired the accountants and flew 20 tons of cash into Iraq that was divied up without any records. And while I'm ranting where is all the money they took from Saddam and his Swiss accounts? Where is the missing trillion dollars in the Pentagon?

Another Bush plan to rob another pile was to hand the entire Social Security fund over to Wall Street to be invested in financial schemes like bogus sub prime lending.
Just think they could have run off with the whole social security reserve during this sub prime crash if it had been invested in financials and stocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well, they can't streal it all, until it is all gone.

The jewel in the Bush investment portfolio is the Carlye Group that is known as a STRIP and FLIP hostile takeover corporation. The other thing they do is own corporations of war they make weapons and sell "security".

I do not suggest that the Japan market is the best buy right now, only that the trend toward quality will make the Japan market a good bet AFTER the dust settles.

I predicted a 15% bottom in the US market. We are a bit over a 10% drop. The real bottom could exceed my guess. This financial stuff has been a hobby since I worked breifly for Bear Sterns in the 80's during their first scandal and crash. They actually had classes in how to steal money from their clients. They were not shy about their crimes then and I bet this has not changed.