The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20437   Message #212699
Posted By: Little Neophyte
16-Apr-00 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Here's to the nurses
Subject: RE: BS: Here's to the nurses
Kat, I REALLY think a great deal about how I sign off a note before I do it.
Most of the time I would like to write 'Love', but I don't always do that. Sometimes I think I may make the other person feel uncomforable if I do. Yet many times I am feeling a great deal of love when I write someone.
Often I write 'Sincerely', because the words I expressed in the note/letter were thought out sincerely.
I often write 'take care' because I am concerned about the person I am writing and I would like my thoughts of concern for that person to be carried with them. That they should never feel they walk alone; that someone is thinking about them.

Well, I am glad you brought up this question kat. I am wondering how others feel about it too.

Little Neo