The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101762   Message #2127491
Posted By: Azizi
16-Aug-07 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does Being Dark Matter?
Subject: RE: BS: Does Being Dark Matter?
Yes Azizi, dark matters and you are very visible to me.

Thought * you might fancy a look through a different telescope.


Although I'm aware that there's some psychological or sociological theory that says that a person's perception is colored by her or his self **, one of the things that I like best about Mudcat is that this forum provides opportunities to learn how people from different cultures "live, move, and have their being". I mean, after all, I've got a Sagittarius sun, mercury, and Jupiter, and my moon is in Aquarius. So being interested in different cultures is a core part of my astrological makeup. ***

That said, I still stand by my statement that I shared in the first post of this thread that "Sometimes I reflect on how Mudcat thread conversations would be different if more people of color posted here or if these conversations were taking place on either a majority Black forum or a forum that had many more Black people and other people of color."

Of course, it stands to reason that no two conversations are ever the same regardless of whether they are conducted by the same people-and whether they are held by people from the same racial, ethnic, and cultural background. {And that's why I don't mind threads whose subject is the same as a previously started thread/s. But it's helpful when links to the previous threads are included].

However, I was speculating that if Mudcat were more racially and ethnically diverse, not only might different subjects be introduced, but the conversations about the same subjects might be somewhat or significantly different since more of the participants [hopefully] would include reflections or examples from their varied experiences as people of color.

For instance, it would have been [would be] interesting to see whether and how having more Black people, and/or more other people of color posting on these threads would have impacted the discussion of the thread's topic:

USA 'Browning' -- Ethnic Diversity
['nuff said]

Jacomo finane? What does that mean?

[It would have been great if some Mardi Gras Indians or some other Black people from New Orleans or elsewhere who know that culture had posted [would post] on that thread]

* perhaps lox meant "though" and not "thought" ??

** or whatever field of study this theory {whose name I can't recall} comes from

*** Here's a link to a wikipedia article on zodiac signs for those who are interested in learning about that subject: