The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101762   Message #2127513
Posted By: Azizi
16-Aug-07 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does Being Dark Matter?
Subject: RE: BS: Does Being Dark Matter?
if by your 16 Aug 07 - 05:34 PM comment you are asking which blog did I use the Internet name Makeda*, it was on the old Wesley Clark For President blog. That blog ended abruptly when General Clark withdrew from the 2004 Femocratic primary. I was devastated by Gen. Clark's withdrawal, because I felt {and still feel] that he would have made a great United States president. I was also devastated because I had become a regular poster to that blog, and when that blog closed down, I abruptly lost connection with many people who I had come to know and admire.

Because I was homeless [having faced the dissolution of my "Internet family", and because for some reason I had kept the URL for Mudcat after visiting here one time in 2002, I returned to Mudcat in 2004 and have been here ever since.

Fwiw, the first time I visited Mudcat-thanks to a Mudcat member visiting the website where I provided the content and a friend did the technical Internet thingies, I ddn't "get" what this site was all about. For instance, I was so Internet unsavvy that I didn't know what a "thread" was, and that you had to click on the title to read the discussion.

Times change. And now I even know how to post comments with a change of font. Well...maybe I should say I'm learning how to post comments using another font, since I'm not yet totality confident that I've "got" that process. But at least I'm tryin.

*By the way I pronounce Makeda, mah-KAY-dah.

Part of the reason why I dropped that name and went back to using my "real" name is that it occurred to me that some people might be pronouncing Makeda as make dah.

Besides, I like the sound and the meaning of the name Azizi