The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104142   Message #2128727
Posted By: Bainbo
18-Aug-07 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: Malapropisms
Subject: RE: Malapropisms
Yeah, but mispronunciatuins or just plain getting things wrong aren't malapropisms. A malapropism is when you unconsciously substitute an inappropriate word that sounds the same as the one you mean, so that the effect is absurd.

The original Mrs Malaprop, in Sheridan's play The Rivals, famously spoke of someone being as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile, and described someone as being the very pineapple of politeness.

By that definition, my example above extinct birds isn't a malapropism either. I'm straining to think of more examples I've heard, but can't up with any right now. Love the Black Florist Gateaux, Micca!