The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103897   Message #2129234
Posted By: GUEST
19-Aug-07 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: Chord Req: tunes in E minor
Subject: RE: Chord Req: tunes in E minor
It would be a wind up because..

It's a thread which having started doesn't want an answer

When people ask questions like -

* what tunes

there isn't an answer

* eb and melodeons

which doesn't happen

etc etc

The post that gives you away is -

"Ah well that's a problem they just told me to learn the accompanyment but not the names of the tunes, Doh! But now I have some idea, when next I meet with them I may be able to do something.

I'm in the dreaded Hull!"

It's an obvious pisstake
What has From: GUEST,not very good guitar player learnt from this?

Hopefully to ask a question that