The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2129709
Posted By: Bill D
20-Aug-07 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
It (the concept of mutualrespect) is not something we just wave in front of people and expect them to say "Oh, I get it!"
   There are far too many who will say, "but look what 'they' did to my ancestors in 1437!", or "..but God TOLD us this is our land and that we SHOULD drive out all the heretics."

Sadly, the ONLY way out of this morass is gradual, and I mean VERY gradual, education of the young in the very foundations of how to **THINK**, coupled with reduction of the stresses of overpopulation and struggle for food, water and resources which drive people to invent and exaggerate excuses for conflict with those who look, talk, worship and think differently. say, "gee, Bill....that all sounds so vague and unapproachable!" sure does. I suppose we could just yell at them, like Lucy Van Pelt in the Peanuts comic strip, and scream, "Change your minds! Change your minds, I say!"....or we could threaten to bomb them back to the stone age if they didn't behave...but, wait...many of them live right next door - maybe armed conflict is not a good idea.

So, again I say...we have a twofold problem, those in other countries who hate us, and those who live right among us who are certain that THEY have the answer, and want THEIR answer embodied in law and the answer, hard as it is, MUST begin right here in our own schools, political & economicinstitutions and media which currently take the path of least resistance and refuse to face reality.

Not very encouraging, am I? Sorry.....