The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749 Message #2130672
Posted By: GUEST
21-Aug-07 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: RE: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Little Sally Walker Was Walking Down The Street She had No Place To Go So She Stopped In Front Of Me
She Said Come On Girly Shake That Thing Shake That Thing Don't Stop Come On Girly Shake That Thing Shake That Thing Don't Stop
{{Repeat The Whole Things}}
Formation: Everyone is in a circle. Captain and Co-Captain Dance Around the Circle untill right before 'She Said..' Captain and Co-Captain each pick one person. They Stop In Front Of them and cheer 'She Said...' but while cheering it they dance and shake. :]
Please remember to use a consistent name when you post. Messages with the "from" space blank, risk being deleted. -Joe Offer-