The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102586   Message #2130741
Posted By: Bobert
21-Aug-07 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraq...What next???
Subject: RE: BS: Iraq...What next???
Yeah, the US has been behaving very badly in term of foreign (and domestic) policies under Bush...

I given it some thought and here is my conclusion:

I think this started with Bush the Senior... He taught his boys that the best way to gain political power among stupid people was to put down anyone with an education and work hard to get stupid people to the polls...

Well, Bush Junior has made a living at putting down educated people, intellectual, Volvo drivers, liberals... And, my hat is off to him, he has been very consistent...

Here's where my theory comes into play... At some point in time Bush Junior lost sight of daddy's lesson of how to get power and started believing that educated people were actaully the stupid people???

I'm not too sure when that occured but he started to surround himself with, ahhhhh, stupid people with stupid ideas...

I mean, just about everywhere you look you find stupid people, who just happen to be anti-abortion, running agencies and doing jobs that should involve being, ahhhhh, friggin' educated...

I think this explains the entire Bush presidency...

Other than he was smart enought to hire the best lawyer in 2000 that money could buy and still just barely stole the election in 5-4 in a Supreme Court packed with Republican appointed justices... Guess those lawyers weren't all that smart either... Should have been 7-2...
