The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104152   Message #2130842
Posted By: M.Ted
22-Aug-07 - 12:04 AM
Thread Name: Strange Fruit
Subject: RE: Strange Fruit
Guest, Albert: I am uncomfortable with the song because, rather than honestly depicting the event that inspired it, the writer pushed buttons that he knew would evoke the response he wanted. It's a "Fox News" story, that strives for shock value, at the expense of honesty and accuracy--

And, lest you be confused, I didn't and don't think that Communist organizers were starry eyed--I said that Allan deliberately avoided talking about the fact that the lynchings were perpetrated by workers--in the same way, I suspect, that Marx may have avoided telling British workers that the very Irish laborers who he championed, when he advised support of the North, rioted against the Civil War draft, and murdered and lynched a hundred or more African Americans--