The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103808   Message #2131223
Posted By: JohnInKansas
22-Aug-07 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Winfield 2007 WVA Festival (36th year)12-16 Sept.
Subject: RE: Winfield 2007 WVA Festival (36th year)12-16 Sept.
Only 26 days until it's all over for another year.... (sniff sob)

If I can get all the little last-minute details pulled together, I should pull out to get to Winfield and get in line sometime around 04:00 in the morning, so I'll be "out of touch" with phones and internet for about the next month, except for possible intermittent trips back home. We usually make two or three trips back for the details that were omitted, and to see if daughter inlaw is taking proper care of our children. The "kids" - Bat, Bela, Lon, and Vincent, have already started complaining about "you're going out to have fun and aren't taking us."

Local weather heads are suggesting that the side effects from hurricane Dean may "influence" the weather here and most of the really wet seasons at Winfield have been in years when there was tropical storm activity, but it's usually been the stuff in the Gulf (Texas to Florida landfall) that's had visible impact. I'm predicting "minor effect" from the current stuff; but of course I'd be heading out even if the forcast was for less than perfect weather (within reason?).

I should have the coffee pot on by sometime around 10:00 AM tomorrow, somehwere down there, so stop by if you make it in time to sit and gab.
