The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104218   Message #2131897
Posted By: Big Mick
23-Aug-07 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
Subject: RE: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
I certainly will follow that link, and I apologize for the mistatement. Quite frankly I thought that was the case. But it is idiotic, dianavan to think that this invalidates the whole thread.   I am not attacking Canada, my many friends there know I hold our northern neighbor in the highest esteem. The point isn't that they came in from Canada, it is the notion that somehow the Mexican border represents a real threat, yet there is no comparable concern about the Canadian border. And I maintain it is cultural racism that causes that.I maintain that because these friends from Mexico are brown skinned and speak a different language, there is a different set of rules that cause folks to overlook these outrages, or even justify them.

But the thread isn't about the border with Canada. It is about the treatment of neighbors as if they were sub human. It is about thugs using any excuse to dress up like commandoes and scare people, treat them in inhumane manner, and violate the Constitution. It is about being concerned about neighbors and their children. It is about getting Joe and Jane Average to open their eyes and see that this is not the democracy which folks have died to defend. It is about children who don't know where there folks are, being traumatized, and when they grow up with a chip on their shoulders and hate the USA, we wonder why.