The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2131904
Posted By: 3refs
23-Aug-07 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
"I know exactly what you mean, Bill. I believe you don't have the time. I know I don't. ;-) This internet communication...compared to actually talking to someone in frankly, for the birds. (in a manner of speaking)".
I can't write it like I want to say it. Never could. Don't possess the necessary skills. like Max Baer's description of Jethro Bodine's literary expertise, "He could lift a ton, but he couldn't spell it". I can't punctuate properly and if it wasn't for spell check, I'd be in big big trouble!
So, I'm going to try and give ya'll my slant on these very touchy subjects and try my hardest not to piss off too many!
Very little has been said about spirituality. I had to read many posts before the word was even mentioned. I know enough about the 6 major religions of the world to conclude that they have more in common than not(who is mentioned in the Koran at least 25 times?)! I think it would be safe to say that all religious followers believe in something beyond our earthly existence. Many who are not followers of any particular discipline still believe in heaven and hell. Many believe in "something", and there are those who feel that we just simply die and return to the earth as fertilizer. We can't forget about the fringe few who believe in, well, the unbelievable! I choose to take what I consider the best values from all disciplines and use them. I hope this approach allows me to treat most peoples with dignity and respect. I step on a lot of toes though! Some deserve neither respect nor to be treated in a dignified manner. I believe in all possibilities! Anything can happen! If a person is accepted as being on this planet. There is no doubt as to his place in history and these are some of his words, and I accept them as being good words, doesn't mean that I believe in everything he says! The same goes for those that there is no physical proof of their existence. Only their words and some of them may be good words! Should one be castigated because of ones belief ? It depends on that belief. The mutilation of women because of cultural acceptance is unacceptable to me under any circumstance. Would I cut off a thief's hand? Not likely, but I'd execute a murderer. I wouldn't if the evidence was only circumstantial though.
I don't believe that all abortions are an abomination! I think abortion as a means of birth control is, kind of! If we don't perform the procedure the mother will die, absolutely! The child will be born with a developmental disability or deformity , maybe it's best! I don't think you can say that all abortions, regardless of your personal convictions, are sinful or against the laws of humanity. I think each must be treated on its own merit. I would much rather have a child put to rest as humanly and as dignified as possible, as opposed to partial birth abortions! It's people who invoke laws that allow such a procedure that are abominations!

And what about the Dad? What rights does he have? If it's legal and the mother chooses to "terminate the pregnancy " the father has no say! If she chooses to keep the child, he has no say! He just gets to open the wallet or go to jail. I'm not talking about "deadbeat dads" who run out on their children. They should be hunted down and dealt with accordingly! I'm talking more along the lines of the "one nighter" and it's in this regard that I think the playing field is a little unfair. And yes, yer right, I don't think that men are just as responsible as women!