The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104142   Message #2132219
Posted By: Genie
23-Aug-07 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: Malapropisms
Subject: RE: Malapropisms
Just this morning I heard a talk show caller complain about a TV ad that Bush's former press sec'y Ari Fleisher was running, in which he tries to drum up support for the "surge" in US troops for the 'war' in Iraq.   She remarked, wryly, that this ad, which says something about us needing to "send in the Calvary," was being put out by Fleisher, "who is Jewish."   When queried about why that was relevant, she said it seemed odd that a Jew would be making such a reference to the crucifixion.   
Thom tactfully pointed out that he thought Fleisher probably said "cavalry," and the woman sort of pulled an Emily Latella ("Oh, ... well that's different ... never mind.")

I realize this is more a matter of dyslexia (or its auditory equivalent) than a true malapropism, but it was still pretty funny.