The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104218   Message #2132487
Posted By: Ebbie
23-Aug-07 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
Subject: RE: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
pdq, it seems to me that you wouldn't be asking those questions if you didn't have answers that disturb you a good deal. In other words, I'm pretty sure I know what your own answer is and that you recognize it is not a pretty one.

My answer, going a bit around the park: Human beings, when it comes down to it, are very realistic. As a representative of the species, I think that when we are faced with need we are not going to give more than a cursory thought to the legalities bent in meeting that need.

If I am hungry or freezing or drowning I am not going to spend long moments wondering if taking a loaf of bread or someone's extra coat or the life ring hanging on a hook is stealing and therefore making me a criminal.

There is a long time-honored expectation in Alaska that when a person in need comes to a cabin in the wilderness or along the shore that the person helps him or herself to whatever meets that need. There is also an expectation that one will do the same for the next person in line.

All this to say that when a better life for me and my family is right across the border and all I have to do to reach it is to put myself into danger and subject myself to an arduous trek as well as dodge officials and vigilantes who are trying to catch me I'm goin'.

As I said before, borders are manmade.