The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20467   Message #213251
Posted By: DougR
17-Apr-00 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?
Subject: RE: How would 'YOU' define 'conservative'?
Kat! Rick! Why do you assume that ALL Conservatives are opposed to "right to choose"? That ALL Conservatives are opposed to same sex marriages? That simply isn't so! I wish the abortion issue had never gotten into politics in the first place. It doesn't belong there! I believe strongly in a woman's right to choose. Also, I have no objection at all to same sex marriages! Sounds trite to say it, but some of my best friends are Gay and most of them have committed partners. Ever heard of the "Log Cabin" Republians folks? I'll betcha even some of them are Conservatives.

And Kat, I disagree with you when you say Conservatives fear losing control, I think what they fear is losing liberties. After all, the United States Congress was controlled for forty years by Democrats (most of them Liberals). Now THAT's control.

I won't even comment on those remarks some folks made about Conservatives fearing change or being opposed to change. Or wanting to "keep things just as they are." Most Conservatives I know gave up horseback riding to get from one place to another several decades ago, they have refrigerators instead of ice boxes, their homes and cars are air conditioned, they use computers, they rarely eat uncooked food, they sleep indoors, etc., etc. etc. That definition is so simplistic it just boggles my mind. Of course one of our guys DIDN'T invent the Internet, though, that's true. **BG**

One more comment and I'll get off my soap box. The remarks I have made are limited to the United States as it relates to politics. I have no eartly idea what the definition of Liberal and Conservative might be in other countries.
