The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2132896
Posted By: Nickhere
24-Aug-07 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
Fair point LH. I think " Most of them agreed on known facts, such as are presented in math, science, etc...while they disagreed on much more subjective matters, matters which cannot be substantiated by fact" pretty much sums it up.

I suppose thinking of the thread topic - beliefs and society and whether beliefs (i.e non-empirically verifiable beliefs) should play any role in that society. I think we can agree beliefs (whether religious or not) do play a big part in shaping society, an unavoidable condition, which is stating the obvious.

I have tried to argue that Christianity has a lot to offer society. Science can tell us new life begins at conception, but we need something else in order to decide what to do about thsi fact once we know it. Of course invariably we get back to the same point of either a) you can't sceintifically prove God exists so religion is suspect or b) religion is worthless since it has been misused in the past by the bad-intentioned and is only about dominating and manipulating people.