The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2133028
Posted By: Amos
24-Aug-07 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
When Greenpeace rams and sinks a whaling vessel, or PETA bombs a laboratory, or a zealot shoots and kills a doctor who does abortions, they are entering the ranks of the criminal. This has nothing to do with their moral postures, but with their violation of the commons. It is because religious judgments, rather than actual data, are so often involved in such extreme choices, that it was rightfully banned from the real of common law by the Bill of Rights.

You are under no obligation to perform, receive, condone, pay for, provide or refer others to an abortion. They, by rights, should be under no obligation to answer to you or anyone else, should they decide to have one.

This means, of course that I am not recognizing your assertion that the moment of conception is equal to the moment of human individual identity and protection under the law.

I suggest that if the energy spent on the abortion issue by those whose desire it is to meddle in other people's lives on moral grounds were instead spent on protecting the lives of already extant individual human beings, by eliminating war, executions, and other forms of murder, the results would be far more beneficial to the cause of viable civilization.