The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104218   Message #2133090
Posted By: Big Mick
24-Aug-07 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
Subject: RE: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
Exactly, Amos, and that is a distinction that many of our mentally lazy brethren and sistren fail to consider. One of the downsides of American life is that we want everything fast and easy. And so many of the right wingers, champions of simplistic "right or wrong" thinking, want to talk about the Founding Fathers and what they envisioned. But when the words that the founding Fathers get in they way of their oversimplified sense of right and wrong, they quickly obfuscate and slip off into phony predicates with a red herring appetizer.

"We hold these truths to be self evident......"
