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Thread #104218   Message #2133116
Posted By: Ron Davies
24-Aug-07 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
Subject: RE: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!

So, if we do not "speak with one voice"--(why do I have the suspicion that voice is to be yours?)--"you will lose this country"--"see this country dissolve into a 3rd world slum".

Rather apocalyptic, I'd say. The country will "dissolve into a 3rd world slum" due to illegal immigration. Nothing like a bit of hyperbole to liven up a post. Congratulations.

It sounds for all the world like "Before September 11, many in the world believed Saddam Hussein could be contained".

Same degree of truth and relevance to listeners' problems. Same goal--to panic the listeners and give them a scapegoat.

Now I realize that as a stalwart Bush supporter you respond primarily to hate and fear--(and probably imagine others do too)-- especially fear of "the other"--that is, anybody different from you.

But actually some people respond to other arguments, logic for instance. At some point you might want to try it.

And on this topic (immigration), not even Mr. Bush is with you. Fortunately, you have another mighty leader to look to for inspiration: Mr. Tancredo, who is busily splitting the Republican party and leading it on this issue---down the drain. As a registered Republican, I can't say this is exactly a happy prospect, but since Republicans at the national level since Ike or maybe Dole--a good man, but surrounded by Neanderthals-- have not stood for anything a sentient being would support, I suppose it's all to the good.

But perhaps you'd like to give us more details of just how immigration will make us a 3rd world country. ( Funny how very similar things were said of the Irish in New York City--which did at one point have some of the worst slums in the world. That well-known bigot, Walt Whitman, argued in 1842 that city Democrats should not submit to a "coarse unshaven, filthy Irish rabble". And I'm sure the rest of the 1840's did not make him happy.)

So exactly how is this dire fate to befall the US? I'm sure you can be entertaining, if not informative.