The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2133121
Posted By: Bill D
24-Aug-07 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
Well, is largely a matter of careful use of language.
I do not exactly 'respect' their opinions: at least the extreme ones, and whether I have any respect for the person depends on what I perceive as the intent behind the position...but I usually am aware of the history of their positions and I try keep some perspective as to how they got to such a position and how much pressure some people are under to not even try to think any other way.
What I am aware of is that calling them names and heaping direct ridicule on their position and thought process is a sure way to harden resistance and close the defenses even tighter....and often in these discussions, I am not even talking directly to those with the most egregious mistakes in their logic and most dangerous approach to implementation of their ideas....but rather, I am typing for the benefit of others who may be reading this without comment, and who may absorb some reason from comparing ideas....and doing this helps ME sort out exactly what **I** think....

I suppose I could just say "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar..."...but I'm hooked on tedious blather...*grin*

Anyway...the complexities in sorting out 'respecting' from 'agreeing' from 'understanding' from 'noting'..etc...are myriad. I have actually had a couple of members who do not usually agree with me say.."well, Bill, at least your posts make me think..."...and I guess that's a pretty good achievement in a forum like this!