The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104214   Message #2133945
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Aug-07 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why are they leaving the UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are they leaving the UK?
"'New Labour' is Conservatism hiding behind a New Name."

Exactly. Just like the Democrats are Conservatism pretending to be something else. They are the servants of the corporate-military-industrial complex hiding behind another name and pretending not to be basically almost identical to their opponents, the Republicans. They both serve the same money-driven agenda. They both run the same aggressive foreign policy and back the same wars.

Big Money has bought out all the major political parties long ago. Big Money prefers a $ySStem where 90% of the wealth is in the hands of 5% of the populace, and where workers and ordinary people are powerless wage slaves in dead end jobs with no security.

It's the New Feudalism, and it's very, very proud of its accomplishments around the world. I'm sure that more is yet to come. Maggie Thatcher wasn't the cause of it...she was more like a symptom...or a facilitator. She helped move the process along.