The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104284   Message #2134173
Posted By: GUEST,Penny Black
26-Aug-07 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: Wendy Arrowsmith Album Launch Gig
Subject: RE: Wendy Arrowsmith Album Launch Gig
Paul - I remember at Fylde about 8years ago we had the luxury of a friend who not only carried our gear around (and me at one point in the festival) but also took it upon himself to sell our Cd's whilst we "Entertained" - we walked off stage and he proudly announced to us that he had sold several Cd's and had taken orders for several more Cd's - unfortunately they were for Cd's of songs we hadn't recorded!!

We spent a month in the Studio recording the songs and then putting together compilations for the requested Cd's, not only did we complete his orders but had enough songs recorded to release a new CD! - Nothing ventured nothing gained!

Wouldn't hurt to have a few order forms, must be better than refusing a sale :0)
