The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104214   Message #2134502
Posted By: alanabit
27-Aug-07 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why are they leaving the UK?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are they leaving the UK?
To some extent that depends upon what you call an "industry" Giok. If we are talking about production industries, whose products have to compete with those on a global scale, I can't dispute what you have written. On the other hand, Transport and electricity, for instance, should primarily exist as utilities, to serve an internal market. Most continental transport systems in Western Europe are subsidised and non profit making. They are also reasonably priced at the consumer end, integrated with other services and more reliable than those of the UK. Austria and Switzerland, two of the most daunting landscapes in which to operate trains efficiently, have superb rail systems. I know of no other West European country, which has the shambles of the UK.
Mudcatters, who know me, are aware that I live in Cologne and have done so for around half of my life now. I was on a visit to the UK with a class of teenagers from a grammar school two weeks ago. I had several mixed feelings. Inevitably one compares the land one left, to the one it is now.
A lot of things did impress me. The streets of Hastings, London and Canterbury were clean. There were well maintained, free public toilets everywhere. You no longer have to smoke when you enter a pub or a cafe. Even the old town of Hastings had an abundance of live music. Most people on the streets, in the cafes and pubs were cheerful and helpful. It is one expensive country though, isn't it? I don't know how folk can live on those rates of pay. It is also remarkable that within a short walk of the modern shopping centres, the old streets are full of boarded up shops. That is true in just about any town. That certainly was not the case when I lived there. It is easy to get emotive about a lot of stuff. From where I was looking, I would say there has been some change for the better and some for the worse.