The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104170   Message #2134528
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Aug-07 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mutual respect
Subject: RE: BS: Mutual respect
Bill D - "No, doe NOT imply any such only shows that I did not write a long enough compound/complex sentence to include & exclude every possible contingency that you could possibly imagine by applying brute force to the edges of my linguistic endeavors."

Awright!!!!!! That should be written in gold. (I am applauding you vigorously, here, Bill...if I could I would shake your hand and break out the champagne and offer you a glass.)

That precise response would apply well to oh, probably at least 50% of the objections raised against other people's statements by argumentative types on this forum.

The average arguer looks not for any agreement, not for a reasonable resolution, not for any common ground, but for a chink, any chink, real or imagined, in his opponent's armor...whereby he can slide a knife through the aperture and do deadly harm to his opponent's entire thesis! Thus the utter banality and the unhelpful nature of most arguments here and elsewhere.