The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104218   Message #2135057
Posted By: Metchosin
28-Aug-07 - 12:51 AM
Thread Name: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
Subject: RE: Homeland Security??????? For shame!!
So I'll add my two bits worth too, because in theory as a Canadian it could affect me, if I ever decide to travel stateside again.

Perhaps a start in the right direction might be the granting of the same rights to all who enter America. If I or any other Canadian citizen enters the US, even for a short visit as a tourist, as a Canadian citizen and a visitor, I have absolutely no protection under the US Constitution or your Declaration of Independence to any of the rights and protections afforded to you, as a US citizens within your own country.

Conversely, under Canadian law, a tourist or anyone entering Canada is automatically extended the protections of our rights and freedoms under our Charter, unless there has been some very recent change of which I am unaware.

I discovered this about 3 or 4 years ago, when I was doing a bit of research regarding what was termed here as "boat people" or refugees seeking asylum and entering through the back door here, so to speak.

Since the advent of "US homeland security", it has crossed my mind that confining my tourism to within my own country, rather than crossing the border, might be a better idea. A few years ago, any uneasy thoughts regarding a trip to the US would never have crossed my mind and now I think I would be very much aware that as a Canadian I would be entering a foreign land.