The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104323   Message #2135163
Posted By: GUEST
28-Aug-07 - 07:39 AM
Thread Name: Jimmie (Jimmy) Driftwood
Subject: RE: Jimmie (Jimmy) Driftwood
I heard a description of the picking bow on the old BBC Light Programme many years ago, and if I remember rightly, it was Jimmy Driftwood who was being interviewed. It was obviously such a simple device that I made one, and used it in a recording made by Feet First (Foot Notes was - I think - the name of the cassette). I remember it was very difficult to get any worthwhile volume out of it, except by electric amplification, and even that was very difficult if feedback was to be avoided. Jimmy Driftwood said he used a beer can to amplify his, but it wasn't clear how it was mounted.
It was the simplest instrument possible, consisting of only a lath of wood about 25mm x 5mm, about a metre long, and with a panel pin in either end, between which was stretched a light gauge banjo string. I ran a kids workshop at Sidmouth a few years back, and many were produced there. It is held against the cheek while the string is twanged with a plectrum or fingernail.
The picking bow exactly suited Jimmy's songs and singing style. I can't help thinking there'll be a great revival of interest in him before long. His simple accompaniments and wryly obervant, even cheeky songwriting, combined with his wonderful voice made him one of my favourite folk singers ever, along with my other hero, Ron Duke of Newcastle Folk club.

Frank Lee